
TAMUG’s OCSB achieved LEED Gold certification in July 25, 2011 for its comprehensive set of strategies with regards to sustainable site design, energy & water use efficiency, use of sustainably harvested and local materials and a high indoor environmental quality for its occupants. The project truly represents a whole-building integrated team approach, both through design and construction. Mr. Gonzalez formed part of the team while at WHR Architects, he was fundamental in the leading role of all phases of project development thru Construction Documents  and Construction Administration for project completion.

Regents Professor Dr. William A. Seitz, Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, and Acting Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Office, who worked closely with the design team on the development of the OCSB, said, “The OCSB is one of the greenest facilities in the Texas A&M University system and is a source of pride for students, faculty, staff and the community at large.”

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